Fast acting, Removes multiple layers of paint per application
Grizzly is a heavy duty, fast acting paint remover. It will attack multiple layers of paint per application and will remove even the most difficult oil based paints, latex paints, varnish lacquer, varnish, and enamels. It is nonflammable and will not raise the grain of wood or corrode metals. This product does contain Metholene Chloride. Can be used, although not ideal, on vertical surfaces.The coverage rate is approximately 100 sq ft/gallon. Sold in 5 gallon pails.
Application: For indoor application, open all windows and doors to use mechanical means to assure a constant supply of fresh moving air during use. Ideal working temperature is between 60-85 degrees F. Avoid direct sunlight. Protect floor coverings and other areas not being stripped. Do not use on synthetic fabrics, plastic, linoleum, asphalt, foam products or rubber tile. Open pail carefully to avoid splashing. Stir well before using. Always wear protective gloves and clothing and appropriate eye and face protection. Apply with brush. Brushes should be synthetic, nylon or polyester bristle.
For the best results test a small area to determine the appropriate thickness and duration of time required to remove the paint. Brush on a thick layer in one direction for best results. Brushing back and forth opens up the anti-evaporation barrier which forms on the initial pass. Apply any additions coats in the same direction.
Allow product to work for 5-15 minutes before performing a test scrape to determine how much of the old paint has been lifted. Once Grizzly has lifted the old paint from the surface, scrape it away with a putty knife, cloth or steel wool. Water may be used to help remove the residue. Collect waste in a metal container. Grizzly does not require
neutralization. Allow the surface to dry before additional applications of the remover or
lockdown of lead dust.
CLEAN UP: Use warm soapy water to clean tools and drippings. Allow waste solvents in metal container to evaporate outdoors, and then dispose of all waste according to current Local, State and Federal Regulations.
1. Pour a thick coat of Grrrizzly directly onto the surface to be stripped.
2. Spread evenly and rapidly with a paint brush, using a single stroke in a single direction, to create a uniform thick layer of 1/8 inch or more.
3. Let stand for at least 15 minutes. Do not rush this step. Do not manipulate the paint stripper after its application to the sur face being stripped, as this will interfere with the vapor barrier.
4. Use a plastic, metal or wooden spatula or scraper to test a small area and to see if the paint stripper has penetrated all layers. If not, let the paint stripper rest on the surface for a longer period before removal.
5. When you notice that the product has reached its maximum effect for a single application, remove the residues. If some coating still needs to be removed, repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. The time required for the paint stripper to work will vary depending on the type of coating and the number of layers to be removed.
WOOD SURFACES: When most of the work is done, use a stripping pad and a small amount of paint stripper to remove the rest of the coating while following the wood grain. If
desired, use denatured alcohol to clean the surface thoroughly. Dispose of residues, including soiled rags, in a metal container. Allow solvents to evaporate by leaving the container outdoors without the lid, then dispose of all waste according to current local, state and federal regulations.
WARRANTY NOTICE: Seller makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor accepts any responsibility for any direct or consequential damages beyond the purchase price, because
seller cannot control users handling and use, or effect of use.
Appearance: Milky
Odor: Ether like
Boiling Point: 104F
Vapor Density: >1
pH: NP
Flash Point: NP
DOT Shipping Class: 70
Shipping Weight: 5 gal. pail 47 lbs.
Specific Gravity: 1.211 AT 20F
Solubility in Water: Partial
Coverage Rate: 100 sq. ft./gal
Percent Volatile: 97.33% by weight
HMIS Rating: 2-1-0
Shelf Life: 2 years
DOT Shipping Name: UN1593, DICHLOROMETHANE, 6.1, PGIIi
$199.50 per 5 Gal pail Buy a pallet 36 pails pay $179.50 plus free delivery
**Hazmat CONTAINS KNOWN CARCINAGENIC – can only be picked up or shipped LTE**
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